Why I love January (and how I cope with the gloom!)

An ode to the joy of January...

This might be a less than common feeling, but I actually (whisper it) quite like this traditionally maligned month.  Maybe it is because I'm so busy with work in November and December, and of course organising and managing Christmas as a working mum of three can be challenging, so January comes as rather a relief!

Also I'm a sucker for a new start and there's nothing newer than a New Year.  Rest assured I don't mean the whole New Year New You thing - I'm rather happy with the old me to be honest.  

What I love is the sense of a blank page - of opening a new diary or planner (and on that note I got a gorgeous personalised diary from Papier for Christmas, but I can also recommend the selection at Martha Brook, and if you want an undated planner then there is none better than my usual from Hello Time) and writing your goals, target and intentions.

Plus the lessening of demands on my time and more peace to seek out old friends and make new connections.

As part of embracing - and enjoying - January, I make sure to get outside as much as possible. Ideally enjoying those gorgeous winter sunny days, but even on the greyest of days it helps my mood to get outside - I just need to get cosy and wrap up warm. The cashmere wristwarmers and rainbow blanket scarf are the ideal addition on those days!

Turtle Doves Recycled Cashmere Wristwarmers - navy Blue worn by model with a coffeeRainbow Stripe Blanket Scarf from Lisa Angel


Are you a January fan - or do you just hunker down and wait for it to be over?

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